Minggu, 17 November 2024, dilaksanakan kegiatan bertema "Kolaborasi Bersih Sampah Jakarta" di Hutan Kota Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) sebagai bagian dari upaya percepatan pengelolaan sampah di Jakarta. Acara yang diinisiasi oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta ini diadakan di tujuh lokasi berbeda di enam wilayah DKI...
Welcome to PHRI Jakarta Chapter
The Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association (PHRI) aims to develop and improve tourism activities and promote mutual respect and dignity among business owners in the tourism sector. Hotel industry associations offer networking opportunities, access to exclusive events, and valuable resources such as research reports and market insights. Joining an association provides a supportive network, helps maintain industry standards, and offers cost savings through group discounts.
Furthermore, PHRI Jakarta offer a range of benefits to our members. We provide a platform for networking, collaboration, and learning from one another. We also advocate for our members on various issues and provide valuable resources such as training programs, marketing initiatives, and access to industry data. Overall, BPD PHRI Jakarta play a vital role in supporting and advancing the interests of our members, contributing to the growth and sustainability of the Indonesian hospitality industry.
PHRI News Flash
Latest news on BPD PHRI DKI Jakarta activities
Rabu, 20 November 2024, bertempat di Hotel GranDhika Iskandarsyah, Jakarta Selatan, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bertema "Implementasi Sertifikasi Halal Pasca Wajib Halal Oktober 2024 dihadiri oleh perwakilan hotel dan restoran, dengan tujuan untuk memahami permasalahan dari implementasi sertifikasi halal bagi sektor hotel dan restoran. Ketua BPD...
Pada Selasa, 19 November 2024, Ketua BPD PHRI Jakarta, Sutrisno Iwantono menjadi narasumber dalam kegiatan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bertajuk "Pembahasan Data Kunjungan, Karakteristik, dan Informasi Terkait Tinjauan Analisa Pasar Wisatawan Jakarta Tahun 2024". Acara ini diinisiasi oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Provinsi DKI Jakarta...
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Let us join the Jakarta region of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) to create a healthy and sustainable tourism business climate.
To register please click below

Accommodation/hospitality service business entities include star and non-star hotels.

Food and beverage service business entities include restaurants, eateries, cafes, bars/taverns.

Tourism educational institutions include higher education institutions in the tourism sector, vocational high schools in the tourism sector.

The industries affiliated with food and catering include hotel and restaurant management, tourism consulting, and tourism media.

Professional organizations and associations within the tourism sector that are relevant to hotel businesses.